Yahura System Review – Overpriced or worth it?

Yahura System Review

Making huge amounts of money is something that we all dream of. Yet, how many people never find a way of turning their hopes into reality?

This is why I love to see new ideas that help people to make money. However, the secret is in knowing which ones to trust. Some are honest but others are scams or simply not very good.

With this in mind, I decided to carry out a Yahura System review. This is a new scheme that started up in October 2018, based on cryptocurrency investing.

Yahura System

They claim to give you an easy way to turn £1,000 into £1,000,000 in just 3 years. All of this profit is said to come with very little effort on your part.

Is this a smart way to make money? Maybe it’s too good to be true? I decided to take a look to see what it is all about.

What is the Yahura System?

Let’s start at the beginning. What is this Yahura System review all about? What exactly is being reviewed? This is a money-making scheme that is based on cryptocurrency investing.

You have probably heard of cryptocurrencies before now. But maybe you aren’t sure what they are really all about. Bitcoin has hit the headlines regularly in the last couple of years. This is mainly due to the spectacular price increases and drops that it has seen.

Bitcoins and other digital currencies are decentralised types of money. This means that they aren’t controlled by any banks or governments. They can be bought and sold freely online. Owners remain virtually anonymous.

Yet, isn’t it too late to make money from Bitcoin? Surely, an asset that has risen from being virtually to being worth almost $6,500 is over-priced. Is it no longer a good investment?

The truth is that experts are split over the future of Bitcoin. Some say that it will increase greatly in value again. Others expect to see its value crash. No one knows for sure.

However, this Yahura System review covers more than just Bitcoin. The people behind this scheme plan to cover other digital currencies. Some of these currencies have experienced huge hikes in recent times. You may have heard of the likes of Ethereum, Dash and Litecoin, for example.

Their site gives the examples of Neo and Ripple. You might not have heard of these coins as much as Bitcoin. Yet, both have had incredible price surges recently.

Therefore, this system is about finding the new cryptocurrencies that are going to grow. There are lots of different coins of this type around. Some will be successful and others less so. What this system aims to do is let you earn money from the best of them.

So, in this Yahura System review we need to see whether they can do this. Can they really help you to make a fortune on these alternative currencies? How will this be done?

Who are Tim Lowe and John Piper?

Let’s start by looking at the people behind this scheme. There are two main men here. They are named as Tim Lowe and John Piper. So who are they and what do they bring to this project?

John Piper is a financial markets expert. He left school at 16, with few qualifications, and managed to become an accountant with his own practise. John then moved into stock marketing investing and was very successful at it.

john piper

He has now written several books on how to make money from the markets. The Yahura site says that he had been patiently waiting for the cryptocurrency trend to work in his favour. John says that he invested £3,000 in Bitcoin in 2016. Less than a year later it was worth £228,000.

The other half of this partnership is Tim Lowe. He is the main behind the prolific Waverley Media Ltd. Tim set up this firm back in 2001. Since then, he has offered a wide variety of money-making schemes. We have reviewed one of Tim Lowes other products called the Daisho System. That is one of the most popular reviews I’ve done.

Tim Lowe

He worked in the fire alarm industry, in a job he now admits he hated. Around 2001 he found out about the possibilities of earning money online in different ways. He then set about the task of producing products that appeal to people who want to make more money.

It is said that he has earned millions from his internet schemes. Tim also wrote a book called Millionaire Mindset. His presence isn’t a guarantee of success. But it may be comforting for some investors to see a familiar face.

What Does It Cover?

Ok, by now you have an idea what this scheme is about. But what exactly does it cover? How does it work so that you can make money from it?

Well, the basic idea is that cryptocurrencies are going to become a lot more popular soon. The Yahura System site makes a persuasive case for this. It is a trend that you might have read about elsewhere too.

The people behind this scheme believe that giant companies like Amazon and Starbucks will soon accept virtual coins. Once this happens, they expect to see values rise sharply. Suddenly, people everywhere will use them. This would increase demand and, therefore, the price too.

So, the key is in getting in before the boom. You need to buy a certain coin while it is still reasonably priced. You then count your profits. At least, that’s the theory.

Basically, John Piper researches the crypto markets. He then alerts members to the best opportunities. I assume this could mean a new coin that has been launched. Or one that is trading below its true value for some reason.

There is a comprehensive training package included. You get 12 training modules to bring you up to speed. John then sends you updates when he thinks that you might want to buy a certain coin. Seeing these alerts and acting on them is the key to this whole scheme.

Of course, you then decide whether to invest in this coin or not. While doing this Yahura System review I noticed an update on their site. They say that one of the first altcoins they recommended gained 70%. This increase came in the 5 days after they first mentioned it.

This is clearly an impressive return in their early days. Yet, it is too early to say if this will be the norm or an exception.

Are You Likely to Turn £1k into £1 Million?

There is no denying that people have made fortunes from cryptocurrencies. The spectacular success of Bitcoin, for example, has made millions for people who got in early. Anyone who bought some of these coins in the early years made a killing.

Since their site talks about turning £1 into £1 million, this Yahura System review needs to consider the claim. Is it really possible? Could you turn a small investment into a fortune?

It is possible that you earn a large sum of money. But it is highly unlikely that becoming a millionaire will be the typical result. You certainly shouldn’t expect to become an instant millionaire.

The truth is that massive profits were more likely when crypto was new. People who scooped up Bitcoin when it was virtually worthless got lucky. It is a lot more difficult to do the same now.

For a start, there are now lots of people looking for the next cryptocurrency opportunity. The amazing success of Bitcoin has opened many eyes to this investment opportunity.

Earning huge profits has been done when crypto was new. Whether it can be done again now is a different matter. There is money to be made from cryptos still. But separating the good investments from the bad is now a lot tougher.

Is Crypto Still Popular?

You may also wonder whether crypto is as popular as it once was. Perhaps you haven’t seen it mentioned as much lately. There was a spell when everyone was talking about it. Has it lost some of its magic already?

The fact is that things are slightly quieter on this front. This is borne out by looking at Google Trends for Bitcoin. It is showing less search activity than during the boom of December 2017. Yet, this is comparing the current situation to the moment of peak activity.

Bitcoin search terms

It could also be argued that this is a good time to pick up some cheaper coins. Since the market is down from its highest point some currencies are more affordable. A lot of potential investors are probably waiting for it to heat up again.

There are also a lot of new coins to be released soon. These are launched during initial coin offerings, known as ICOs. Some ICOs are massively popular and the price shoots up immediately. Others are failures.

Knowing which ICO to pick is the secret to success. Some of the most interesting ICOs for the near future include Fetch, Peer Mountain and Mobu. There are plenty of others that are also on the horizon, though. I assume in this Yahura System review that John Piper will also be looking at them.

ICOs tend to launch with a very low price on each coin. If the idea takes off then it can grow immensely in value. This means that it is something that you can get in on from the start at an affordable price.

How Much Does It Cost?

Of course, any Yahura System review needs to look at the cost of joining. Is it going to be worth doing or not? Will your profits be eaten up by subscription costs?

There are three different packages to choose from. None of them is cheap and there are some important differences to be aware of.

The lowest cost alternative is called The Essentials Low Entry Cost package. This comes in at a price of £1,497 to get started. You then pay a monthly support fee of £165. The first 30 days of support are free and the package comes with a video to get you started.

Next is The Essentials Package. The start-up cost in this case is £1,897. You then pay £120 each month for support.

If you want the most comprehensive approach then The Full Package costs £2,697. This includes 12 months of support. You also get a place on a face to face training workshop for this price.

Yahura System Cost

This high cost is sure to put off a lot of possible investors. Not everyone wants to spend so much on an idea like this. Don’t forget that you also need a starting bank. To make serious money from cryptocurrencies you will need to invest a decent amount.

What Are Other People Saying?

Since this is a fairly new product, there aren’t too many Yahura System reviews around. However, a few other people have had a look at it. Do they like the look of it?

Most reviewers base a lot of their opinion on the reputations of the men behind it. This is because it is too early to judge the product itself. No Yahura System review can really say how much money it could earn for you.

Certainly, the high price and the bold profit claims have caught the eyes of reviewers. The slick, professional presentation is also something highlighted by reviewers.

Overall, there are good and bad points here. Any Yahura System review that only mentions good or bad things is only showing part of the story.

Who Would This System Suit?

This system seems to be aimed at people who are completely new to cryptocurrencies. It does a good job of introducing newcomers to the concept painlessly.

It is probably best suited to someone who is interested in cryptos already. Perhaps someone who isn’t sure how to get started. They might have heard about Bitcoin but not be sure how to get started. This system gives them a helping hand.

If you like the idea of investing in cryptos but don’t trust your own judgement this could be ideal. Maybe you don’t want to spend the time becoming an expert by doing the research needed.

On the other hand, it could just suit someone who is looking to make money. They might not know about cryptos but like what they see here.

Clearly, the high cost is going to narrow down the field too. Not everyone is willing or able to pay so much to get started. The price is probably the main sticking point in this Yahura System review. It is a lot of money just to get started.

How Much Money Can You Make?

What most people want from a Yahura System review is an idea of how much they can make. Will it make you a tidy sum or will you end up disappointed?

As we have seen, the people behind it are extremely optimistic. They believe that the crypto market is about to go mainstream. They also believe that they have the expertise to spot the best opportunities.

Yet, the question of how much you can make is tough to answer. The cryptocurrency market is notoriously volatile. Many people are wary of these investments because of the unknown factors and the wild swings.

What if you decide to give it a try? It is worth bearing in mind that this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. Instead, it is something that you need to work at.

How do you need to proceed? Well, you have to follow what is written in the training. Then you will have to simply persevere with it.

Is It Hard Work or Easy?

For all the talk of huge, fast gains, it is a long term strategy. As seen with Bitcoin, these currencies can rise and fall unpredictably.

What you are unlikely to do is earn a fortune right away. You won’t pick up the manual and suddenly see truckloads of cash appearing outside your window. It will take time and patience.

Before writing this Yahura System review, I have seen many of Waverley Medias products over the years. The underlying ideas have always been ok. However, they still require work and dedication on the investor’s part.

Quite simply, the more time and effort you put in the more you will make. Like most things in life, your results depend upon your efforts.

If you are looking for a really easy investment this isn’t it. However, if you are happy to get stuck in it could be worthwhile.

Yahura System Review Conclusion

A lot of people are really excited about cryptocurrency investing just now. This is something that can be highly rewarding. Yet, not everyone is confident in their ability to find the right deals.

This Yahura System review has shown that you can get some help. The timing of their launch is good, as the idea of investing in cryptos is very popular. They might not be in the news so much now but they are still very much around.

There are some drawbacks, though. For example, it is expensive to get started with. If you uncertain of the idea then the cost of joining up may put you off. This Yahura System review has both positive and negative points. So you need to put some serious thought into whether to proceed or not.

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Comments (1)

hi MS tim srarted years ago under the wings of andrew renylds
i have been to some of tims seminars and can say they
have all been kosha you have to put the work in to succed
so its up to you harder you work richer you get
regards TMJ

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