This Simple System Seems To Be
Generating Better Results For
Almost Every Person Who Tries It…
If you’re Matched Betting.
…this could help you get better results.
Before I talk about the system I want to insert a disclaimer. I’ve been doing this full-time for 10 years & my results are not typical. I can’t guarantee you will make any money buying this system, but I’ll show you what’s been working well for me and my best clients.
Let’s jump right in and let me show you.
With it, you may become an advanced Matched Bettor.
Become somebody who has…
A steady flow of high-quality strategies to choose from…
Because the system I’m going to tell you about is working right now for ordinary Matched Bettors.
Even those with very little experience are seeing better results.
Over the coming weeks this system may help increase your profits.
And, you can start using the strategies… Without spending any additional time.
In simple betting terms: You can start getting a larger edge over the bookmakers and casinos … that can help you get better results … all whilst taking less time.
Just like it has for James and many other Matched Bettors
And this strategy that you’re about to see is working for newbies and even experienced Matched Bettors.
So, no matter how long you have been betting for, I’m confident this will help you.
What I’m talking about is…
A Unique Set Of Advanced Matched Betting Strategies

Over the last 10 years, I’ve helped 75,000 people increase their profits from betting.
That includes several Matched Betting website owners (you know who I’m talking about) who were once my students. Many of their staff have been as well.
You may have seen some of the awards my sites have won including best Matched Betting service from 2 independent review sites.
Profit Maximiser won best Matched Betting service from Honest Betting reviews.
And a similar award from Lay Back & Get Rich.
The fact is, after doing this full time for the last 10 years, I’ve seen every type of system and strategy under the sun.
So, I know what works to increase profits.
And, more importantly, what doesn’t work.
The fact is…
… Even if you spend hours per day checking different websites, forums & Facebook groups.
None of those things will overcome a weak strategy such as chasing low value offers.
In other words, your results will be a direct reflection of the strategy that you choose to follow.
The easiest way that I can put this across is:
Better results come from knowing all of the advanced strategies.
But that’s not all.
You also need to understand… how to structure using them.
The aim is to never spend more than 1 hour per day whilst getting the best results possible.
Having Profit Maximiser Gives You An Advantage Over Other Matched Bettors
Listen, the basic idea of Matched Betting is everywhere today.
There are hundreds of sites and Youtube videos showing the basics.
Profit Maximiser is different because of this …
It’s more than just about Matched Betting.
Profit Maximiser is a simple method for increasing your profits by focusing on the highest value systems and making the most of the time you have available.
The key is always focusing on the highest value strategies first.
And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.
Because there’s so much more.
In fact, here are just some of the benefits you can enjoy when you become a member: –
- Access to the casino loophole forum. Just last week a loophole was shared from Mr Green. Instead of the standard 20 x 20p free spins, they had credited 20 x £4 free spins. That’s £80 worth of free spins from one offer. This is just one of hundreds of examples from the past.
- How to remove most of the risk from casino offers (even if they have wagering requirements). With some bookmakers, you can place a back & lay sports bet with the deposit leaving the bonus by itself. Video walks you through it step-by-step.
- Access to our 8-core Matched Betting systems. Videos examples are available for every strategy so you will know exactly what to do. I’ll also tell you which order to use them to get the best results in the least amount of time.
- Software that finds all of the bets for you. It will compare hundreds of bets instantly, and will flag up the best bets straight away without the need for scouring different sites.
With each strategy, the odds and information for that system will be directly shown underneath. NO searching needed! The software was previously been sold for £120 on its own. It’s included free with your order today.
- Struggling for time? Each week I’ll email you the best opportunities for that week including any new systems we have added. This is the perfect way to get great results whilst spending less than 1 hour per week.
- The Matched Bettors Exploit will show to take advantage of value opportunities on Betfair created by Matched Bettors who will lay at any price. Lock in profits on the Exchange without the need for any bookmakers.
- A simple horse racing method! Use this simple system (along with my video training), to help you LOCK IN profits. There has been over 90,000 comments about it on the forum!
- Access EVERYTHING Conveniently On ONE Easy-To-Use Page – The system, how to place the bet, and auto updating bookmaker odds…. ALL of it. It’s ALL there and DONE-FOR-YOU, so you don’t have to go searching for all of the necessary information.
- How to structure your days so you get the best possible return whilst spending the least amount of your time. This is probably worth the cost of the product on its own!
- Smarkets 0% commission (subject to Smarkets terms and conditions). This includes new & existing Smarkets customers. Think of the saving you will make just from this feature alone.
- Creating your own casino loophole training. It shows you how to create your own casino loopholes so you don’t need to rely on other people posting them. Once you have access to this information you will know which casinos and bookies you can use it with to help increase your profits.
- How to work out the ‘true’ value of casino bonuses. The majority of Matched Betting websites teach the incorrect EV formula where there is no chance of busting. If you are using this to work out the estimated value you are missing out on lots of offers! With the right formula, you could double the amount of offers you can attempt.
I’ve gone one step further. I’ve scoured every UK casino on the Internet for you and worked out the estimated value. I’ve also written the best strategy for every one.
- 2 simple strategies to increase the value of any casino offer. Video example walks you through exactly what to do. Deploy this strategy to help get better results.
- Advanced extra places system that shows you how to lock in profits. It does not matter which horse wins the race.
- User case study. I’ll be walking you through a case study of one of my students. We break down exactly what they focused on to bank their profits. Please note these are exceptional results and are not typical!
- I’ll show how to get results from the Profit Maximiser system spending one hour per day.
It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey, whether you’re brand new to betting or a professional with 3 years+ experience.
I can show you exactly what you need to do to get up to the next level, whilst decreasing the amount of time it takes.
The whole point of this training is so you are always focusing on the highest value strategies available based on your current bankroll size.
Please understand:
It’s taken me 10 years of full-time betting to develop what you’ll find in this product.
Not to mention, a fortune testing the different systems… with thousands of clients and students…
Just to confirm this really is…
A Powerful System For Getting Better Results From Your Matched Betting!
Grab A Trial Of Profit Maximiser and Get These FREE BONUSES!
BONUS #1 – Mystery Product (Sold Previously For £360 Per Year)
I’ll show you a video of it in action when you sign up.
This software will most do the work for you.
All you need to do is turn it on and the software will place the bets for you saving you hours of time per week.
This software was previously sold for £30 a month (£360 per year).
You will get access for free after you have completed the 14 day Profit Maximiser trial.
BONUS #2 – Insiders Club Strategy (Sold previously for £79)
I’ve been watching the horse racing markets daily over the last 10 years.
When you spend so much time watching them you get a completely unique insight.
Using this unique insight, I’ve put together The Insiders Club System.
The strategy involves placing bets at high odds BEFORE they move.
This picture explains the process.
With the Insiders System, the aim is to get in before the market moves.
Once the odds have fallen you cash out for a profit.
The value comes from getting in BEFORE the odds move.
The Insiders System is unique method.
But Mike, How Will I Know If The System Actually Works For Me If I Don’t Try It Out First?
I get it…
I’m a “hands on” kind of guy. I like to be able to TRY a system or program out to see if I can get results.
And that’s exactly what I want you to do.
As a test, I’ve decided to offer this very special deal.
You can use Profit Maximiser (including ALL software & bonuses) on a 14-day trial for £1.
That’s right, it’s practically on me…
You will have access to everything I just talked about for a single pound!
After the trial is finished you only pay £96 + VAT (£115.40).
With This Simple System, You Have A Matched Betting Expert Helping You Every Step Of the Way…
Try out Profit Maximiser for just £1…
Take it for a test drive. Use all of the tools, watch the videos…
I want you to start seeing results over the next 2 weeks!
If you aren’t happy with what you see or what you have access to…
… then simply contact the support email provided and I’ll cancel your order…
You have 14 full days to cancel from the date of purchase, no questions asked “love it or cancel” guarantee…
Are You Ready To Start
Getting Better Results?
I get it…
Get started with Profit Maximiser today for just £1, and finally give yourself an edge to help you get better results. And that’s exactly what I want you to do.
Like I said at the beginning….
I’m confident this will help you.
Disclaimer: All figures quoted are my own results. I’ve been doing this full time for 10 years so these results are not typical. It takes dedication & hard work to profit from betting. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. If you take action with the system provided, you will see better results. This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook INC. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in ANY WAY. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook INC.